Monday, May 7, 2012

Happy 8 Month Birthday Mason!!!

My sweet, little boy is 8 months old today.  It has been an exciting month because Mason has reached so many milestones.  First of all, he officially has 4 teeth.  His top two teeth finally cut through.  I felt like he was teething forever:(  Mason is now getting on all fours and rocking back and forth.  He still prefers to roll around in order to get places, but he is close to crawling.  His favorite means of travel is the walker.  He travels all around the house now.  He charges down the hallway chasing after Penny, but she runs and hides. Mason is also starting to stand up on his own.  He grabs on to my hands and lifts himself up to a standing position.  Mason continues to be an excellent eater.  He loves eating fresh fruit that I cut up for him, teething crackers, and freezedried yogurt that melts in his mouth.  Mason has always eaten everything that we have given him, but when he tried avocado, he made the funniest face and spit the food out.  After trying a few more times, it was definitely confirmed that he does not like avocado!  LOL:)  Mason can light up a room with his amazing smile and bright blue eyes.   He is an awesome baby!  Marc and I are so blessed!  We love our little man:)    

Mason copying Auntie Jaime by fake coughing
Mason's first time sitting in a high chair at a restaurant

Such a cutie!!!

Mason's favorite place to be... the bath!

Check out the rolls on his arm!  I just want to squeeze him!

Rolling around the room to get to his toys

Rocking back and forth on all fours

He really wants to crawl:)

Such a happy boy!

We love you soooooooo much!!!!

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