Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend Shots

This was an exciting and fun long weekend!  My beautiful friend got married, Mason had a slumber party with Auntie Jaime, and we all went over to Grandpa Boileau's for a BBQ.  This was a great weekend!!!

Thanks to Auntie Brooklyn, Mason can now practice crawling in the living room:)

Mason wanted to play with his toys for a little bit longer before it was time to go to bed.

Getting ready with my girls:)

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Amelia and Chad 5/27/12

Bridal Party Luncheon 

Jon and Dani playing with Mason

Mason loves his grandpa!

My beautiful niece Dani!

Such a fun weekend!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hanging out with Mace

Mason now weighs 22 pounds and is 27 inches long!  My little monkey is growing so quickly:)  He also has 6 teeth now too.  I am so excited that school is over and I will have way more time hanging out with Mason.  Even though I am teaching summer school, the days are way shorter and it is only 4 days a week for 4 weeks.  I can't wait for our Mommy and Mason days:)

The most beautiful babies!

Even though he is teething, he always has a smile on his face:)

Mace loves playing with his toys!

My little reader!

Scooting around on the floor. No crawling yet:)

Mason constantly grinds his teeth!  It gives Mommy the chills!!!

Taking Penny and Mace on their evening walk!

Monday, May 14, 2012

My First Official Mother's Day!!!!

I am truly blessed to have my little family!  I LOVE being a mommy!!!  My amazing husband spoiled me and made me feel extremely special for my 1st Official Mother's Day.  (Side note: Marc always makes me feel special and I love him more and more each day!!!:)  Last year Mason celebrated with me on the inside, but this year he was out and about with us:)  My day couldn't have been more perfect!  It was filled with family, food, shopping, and mimosas!!!!  I finally understand the kind of love a parent could have for their children.  It is indescribable!  My students always make fun of me for being obsessed with my son, but I can't help it.  I love everything about him.  I must have been crazy to think that I never wanted to have kids!!!  Becoming a mother has brought purpose to my life and I have never been happier!!!  Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing, special moms!!!!!

Mother's Day 2011

I am happiest when I am with my munchkin! He lights up my life!

I love us!!!!

Such a fun day!!!

Mason and Auntie Jaime

My nephews and my sister helped to make my 1st Mother's Day awesome!  I can't wait until we take the boys out to tea!  LOL:)

I love you mommy!!!!  Thanks for all that you do for everyone!  You are an amazing woman and mother!

The Boileau's

Mason was such a good boy all day! 

One of my students surprised me with a card and flowers!  This made my day:)
Marc came home with flowers on Friday for Teacher Appreciation week! Love him!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Mason Walking (in his walker:)

Mason loves to follow us around the house in his walker.  He gets so excited!  Penny is not a big fan of it though!  LOL:)  She stays on the couch because she knows Mason can't reach her:)

I love you Mommy and Daddy!

This is so much fun:)

He is on a mission!

Words cannot express the amount of love we have for this little guy!!!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Happy 8 Month Birthday Mason!!!

My sweet, little boy is 8 months old today.  It has been an exciting month because Mason has reached so many milestones.  First of all, he officially has 4 teeth.  His top two teeth finally cut through.  I felt like he was teething forever:(  Mason is now getting on all fours and rocking back and forth.  He still prefers to roll around in order to get places, but he is close to crawling.  His favorite means of travel is the walker.  He travels all around the house now.  He charges down the hallway chasing after Penny, but she runs and hides. Mason is also starting to stand up on his own.  He grabs on to my hands and lifts himself up to a standing position.  Mason continues to be an excellent eater.  He loves eating fresh fruit that I cut up for him, teething crackers, and freezedried yogurt that melts in his mouth.  Mason has always eaten everything that we have given him, but when he tried avocado, he made the funniest face and spit the food out.  After trying a few more times, it was definitely confirmed that he does not like avocado!  LOL:)  Mason can light up a room with his amazing smile and bright blue eyes.   He is an awesome baby!  Marc and I are so blessed!  We love our little man:)    

Mason copying Auntie Jaime by fake coughing
Mason's first time sitting in a high chair at a restaurant

Such a cutie!!!

Mason's favorite place to be... the bath!

Check out the rolls on his arm!  I just want to squeeze him!

Rolling around the room to get to his toys

Rocking back and forth on all fours

He really wants to crawl:)

Such a happy boy!

We love you soooooooo much!!!!