Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Spirit

My first picture with Santa!

Mini Santa

Penny and Mace under the tree!

I am so cute!!!!  Everyone always wants to squeeze my cheeks!

Mommy and me picking out our tree:-)

I love my bear hat!

This weekend we took Mace to find our Christmas tree.  Our little munchkin was such a good boy.  For the last nine years, Marc and I have always picked out a real Christmas tree.  Marc is very particular about the tree we get and it usually takes him FOREVER!  I was pleasantly surprised when Marc agreed to the first tree that we found.  It was perfect!  When we got home, we put on Christmas music and decorated our tree.  It was so great having Mason be a part of this tradition.  He sat in his bouncy chair while Marc and I hung the ornaments.  

On Sunday, we took Mason to church with Momma and Poppa.  They had their Christmas play which we all go to every year.  It was at the Christmas show in 2009 when I decided that I was ready to be a mom.  I started crying when I saw baby Jesus. I must've been extra emotional that day (LOL)!  It was then that I realized that I wanted to have a baby.  Penny came first, and then two years later we got our bundle of joy:-)  Needless to say I was extra emotional again today when baby Jesus came out.  This time I had my little miracle in my arms!  After church, we went to the mall to take pictures with Santa.  This was exciting because I never did this as a kid.  While we waited in line, I fed Mason a bottle to ensure happiness.  LOL!  It kind of worked.  We did not get big smiles, but he did not cry either!  Mason had a picture of Santa on the butt of his pants and Santa Claus laughed at that.  The pictures came out adorable!  I love this time of year!

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