Wednesday, December 7, 2011

3 Months Today!!!!

I love my Auntie Jaime!

What are you looking at?

Chilling with my cuz!

I am so over taking pictures!:-)

Now I am happy again!

I love my bouncy chair at Auntie's house!
My little love bug is officially 3 months old today.  I already started packing up boxes of clothes that he can no longer wear.  It was a very sad time:(  I am trying to enjoy each milestone and not dwell on how fast the time is flying by.  I remember the first time he sneezed, took a bath (which he loved), smiled (which still melts my heart), slept through the night (which I thought would never happen), and now he holds his head up in the Bumbo seat.  I love my little munchkin so much even though Mason has been a Mr. Crabby Pants lately because of the teething.  I wish I could take his pain away!  Having my sister watch Mason while I am work has been amazing!  The best part is that she sends me videos and pictures throughout the day.  She sent me a video of Mason holding his own bottle!!!    This makes coming to work so much easier and my students enjoy watching the videos with me.  Mason is very blessed to have such an amazing auntie!  Happy 3 month birthday Mace!

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