Wednesday, November 16, 2011

10 Weeks Old Today!

Soothing himself to sleep!

So happy!

He loves Grandma!

My dad made me wear this!  LOL!

Relaxing on the couch with Penny and my parents!
My little munchkin is 10 weeks old today and officially sleeping about 10 hours per night (sometimes more)!  Mason must have known that I had to go back to work and wanted me to be fully rested for my students.  I am so glad that he takes after his father with the sleeping.  I was beginning to think that I would never get a full night's rest.  He falls asleep all by himself in the crib by sucking on his thumb.  It makes Marc and I laugh because when we leave the room, all you hear are loud sucking noises.  Then he puts his arms above his head and he passes out.  He continues to change each week.  He is rarely fussy now (thank goodness) except when he is super tired, hungry, or needs a diaper change.  I am fussy too when I need those things!  LOL:-)  My favorite times are sitting on the couch with Penny and my boys.  Mason loves being held by his daddy and we just stare at him for hours!   

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