Saturday, July 2, 2016

Father's Day in Flagstaff

We decided to get out of the heat and spend Father's Day weekend in Flagstaff.  Unfortunately, it was still extremely hot even though we were at 7500 feet in elevation.  Despite the heat, we had a lot of fun at the playground at the hotel, eating ice cream at a Star Wars shop, seeing Finding Dory, and taking the ski lift up the mountain.  Okay, the ski lift was quite stressful and scared Marc and I more than the kids, but the views were amazing!  We even met up with some friends who happened to be in Flagstaff with their kids too.

My favorite boys!  Happy Father's Day Marc!  Thanks for being the best role model to our kids.

 Mason was so excited about this Star Wars ice cream shop

 Marc had Noah and Mason on the way up the mountain.  It was the longest, most stressful 25 minutes ever!
Dylan and I had fun taking selfies and relaxing.  We even saw a deer walking through the forest!

 The top of the mountain was 11,500 feet and 61 degrees.  The ground was quite rocky and the twins struggled walking around.

Coming down the mountain was way scarier than going up.  Marc and I decided that we do not have to do this again for a really, really long time!

Our trip to Flagstaff was unexpectedly extended due to a fatal car accident that closed all roads to Phoenix.  Considering we were in the car for hours, the kids were amazing.  Once we realized we were not able to get home, we headed back to Flagstaff and went to Target and bought some snacks and toys.  We were able to get one of the last hotel rooms and spent another night.  I think the best part of our trip for the kids was hanging out in the hotel room.  Mason was jumping from bed to bed the same way I did when I was younger.

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