Sunday, July 10, 2016

4th of July 2016

We had a weekend filled with swimming, food, family, fireworks, and tons of fun!


We spent the entire day at Momma and Poppa's pool.  We ate a delicious lunch of hamburgers and hot dogs and then swam until  our fingers and toes were covered in wrinkles.  Or as Noah says, "I have prunies!"  Mason practiced without his floaties and he did a great job swimming.  He loves jumping into the pool and being thrown up in the air, but not too high.

I am obsessed with these two cuties!

We definitely wore these guys out!


On Sunday, Marc and Mason went to a Diamondback's game while the twins and I hung out at the house.  Later in the day, everyone came over to the house for pizza and desserts before we headed out for our annual tradition of watching fireworks the day before 4th of July.  

 Mason had a blast eating hot dogs and watching the game.  Too bad they lost!
 Dylan LOVES his desserts, just like his mommy!

 My boys adore their cousin Sebastian!

 Sparklers are a must for any celebration!

This was the best way to get through the crowd after the awesome firework display.

We headed over to Peepaw's house for a barbecue and chilling with cousins.  My kids love it when Dani and Jon are there. Then we headed home for our very own firework extravaganza that Marc puts on in the street in front of our house.  This year the neighborhood kids came over to watch.  Our show is pretty lame, but definitely awesome for the kids.  Mason kept giving Marc a standing ovation after each firework.  He thought this was the best part of the day.  It was adorable.

 Cousin love!

 Singing to America!
 These two are such amazing cousins!  They have so much patience with our three little men.

 The twins got scared during Marc's firework show and wanted to watch from inside the house.
 Happy Birthday USA!

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