Saturday, November 21, 2015

Flagstaff Fun

Last weekend we took the kids up to Flagstaff to stay with some friends at their cabin.  We rode quads, pulled the kids on a tractor ride, went on the Polar Express train in Williams, the kids saw snow for the first time, and had a blast!  Thank you Barry and Angie for inviting our family to your cabin.  All six kids got along great and a good time was had by all!

The backyard was huge and had a breathtaking view.

Taking a snack break to warm up for a bit.

It was quite cold up north, but that didn't stop the kids from playing outside.

 Mason didn't want to ride on the quad, but he was okay with taking a picture and getting right off.

Santa's little helpers!

 Getting ready to get on the train!

This year we left the stroller at home to ensure no one would steal it.  This train ride was way better than last year.  All three kids had a great time, including Marc and I!

 My boys really don't like taking pictures!  LOL!
 Such a flirt!

He loves the ladies!

 All three boys were in awe of Santa!  Noah kept saying, "Ho, Ho, Ho!"

This was the best part of the whole ride!  Santa stayed with us for so long!

 Dancing with Sidney in the aisle of the train.  This was the most adorable sight!

 At one point we had all 6 kids on our side.  The more the merrier!

Trying to get a good picture with all 6 kids was nearly impossible!

We ended at our trip with brunch at Little America.  I was a bartender there my last year at college so it was fun going back to visit.  I can't believe one of my old coworkers was still there and remembered me!

Noah refused to be in this picture.

This was such a fun trip and we can't wait to go back and visit again.

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