Sunday, November 1, 2015

Disney Day #5

This was our final day at the parks.  This was also the most crowded of all our days.  I have been to Disneyland numerous times in my lifetime, but have never explored Tom Sawyer's island.  I can't believe I have never done this!  We spent a good part of our morning here and everyone loved exploring caves, finding treasure, running along crazy bridges, and so much more.  We will definitely make this a priority stop every time we visit.  Mason got to meet his "girlfriend" Tinkerbell in Pixie Hollow.  This was a highlight for him.  We also had front row seats to yet another parade, that again, did not disappoint us.  After Disneyland, we headed back to Cars Land for one more visit.  We got to dance in the street with DJ (a car from the movie) and watch the lights come up after sunset (another part of the movie).  Mason was in heaven!  Watching his excitement made my heart so happy.  This was definitely our best family vacation so far!  I look forward to many more fabulous trips with my family.

Noah was quite cranky this day, but we wanted Grandma to have a picture with her grandchildren (minus Jackson).

This was her 60th celebration!

The Disney Crew

One of the bridges on the island. 
My purpose in life, my everythings!

The twins giving each other a random hug. Makes my heart skip a beat!

They found the hidden treasure, but Mason couldn't open it.

Marc was ready to retire.

Mason was very excited waiting in line at Pixie Hollow for Tinkerbell.

Mason did not like Rosetta, another fairy.  He was very shy around her.  Probably because she is so pretty.

Ha ha!  Playing hard to get.

Tinkerbell is his true love!

Waiting for the parade.

Meeting Red at Cars Land.  The boys love him!

Noah would have been excited, but he was exhausted.

After five days, I think we were all exhausted.

Mater was driving by and Mason got this goofy grin on his face.

Dancing in the streets!

We didn't take anymore pictures after this because this place got packed.  We couldn't even find a place for dinner because everything was covered wall to wall with people.  We were fortunate enough to complete everything on our Disney list, so we did not feel like we missed out.  Stay tuned for our character breakfast before we drove back to Phoenix.

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