Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

I have so much to be thankful for in my life.  Most of all, I am blessed to have such an amazing, supportive, loving family.  We spent the morning cooking and watching the parade and the afternoon at my sister's house eating the entire time.  My boys loved torturing their older cousins and playing with their younger cousin, Sebastian. Happy Thanksgiving!

Dylan is my little sous chef!

Noah enjoyed eating!

My beautiful cousins!

Jaime's backyard is not very kid friendly.  Between the pool without a fence and cactus everywhere, everyone was a nervous wreck with the babies.  

Still eating!

Noah is very serious about the game they are playing.

He adores his Poppa!

Dylan is my snuggle bunny!

My beautiful mommy!

No more pictures!

The boys torturing Austin.

This is the first year we introduced the elf on the shelf.  After Santa arrived on the parade, a special book was found in the kitchen.  All five of us read the book together on the couch.  We learned all about the elf and how he visits Santa Claus every night to report how the boys behaved that day. After the story, we were on a mission to find this elf.  After looking throughout the house, Dylan spotted him on the ledge above the front door.  Mason decided to name him Beanie.  Every morning when Mason wakes up, he is on a search for Beanie.  Mason has been on his best behavior all weekend because he doesn't want Beanie to see him being bad.  Can we keep Beanie all year?!  The twins like to find Beanie, but they don't understand that they have to behave.  We are working on that.  Now Marc and I have to remember to move him each night!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Birthday Celebration Day

We had an awesome day celebrating the twins.  My mom, Aunt Therese, the boys and I started out the day at Anthem Park with some friends.  We fed the ducks, ran around the playground, and ended our time with a ride on the train.  We were so grateful to Melissa, her sister, and her adorable children for spending the morning with us.  A fun time was had by all!  After the park, we met up with Auntie Jaime and Steven for lunch and ice cream. and then went back home for toys and cupcakes.  Today was a good day! 

Why would I give the ducks a perfectly good delicious piece of bread?!

I may be biased, but he is the most handsome kid!

That is the sweetest smile ever!

Noah's first crush!  He was smitten for McCartney!

These sisters were absolutely adorable!

Thanks for the train ride Melissa!  This was definitely the highlight of the day!

One for me and one for the ducks!

Steven is an amazing big cousin!

I feel like they grew up over night!  They are both so independent!

Marc and I got the boys this awesome table train set.  They were happy for hours!

Grandma always gets the coolest presents!  

Nothing is better than playing outside on a nice evening!

The roller coaster is a favorite of all the boys.  Thanks Brooklyn!

Noah is usually the messier eater, but not tonight.

More celebrations are happening this weekend!

Happy 2nd Birthday!

I can't even describe the anxiety that encompassed my entire being the day I found out I was having twins.  What was going to happen to my body?  Will I ever sleep? How do you carry two babies at once? Am I going to be a good enough mother to two babies and a toddler?  The constant worries and questions raced through my mind for pretty much my entire pregnancy.  All that changed the second I laid eyes on these two cuties.  I new my world was going to be turned upside down, but those stresses no longer worried me. These boys make my heart melt and I fall more in love with them with each passing day.  Don't get me wrong, my life is no where near butterflies and roses.  There are days when I want to pull my hair out and lock myself in a room with a bottle of wine, but the good far outweighs the bad times.  Or maybe due to my lack of sleep I forget things easily. Lol!  Regardless, nothing makes my heart skip a beat like when one of these boys looks me in the eye and says I love you.  Happy 2nd birthday to two of the most adorable, loving little monsters!  Thank you for choosing us to be your family.

They love Mickey!  Momma, Poppa, Aunt Therese, and us sang to these little munchkins.

Noah helping Dylan blow out his candle.

Dig in boys!

Dylan wasted no time getting into that cupcake, while Noah was a little more reserved.

We had a great time celebrating their birthday at the park with friends, having lunch and ice cream with family, and playing with lots of new toys.  More pictures will follow in a later post.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Breakfast with the Characters

This is the final Disney post.  The day we left we decided to have breakfast with Mickey and friends before we headed back to Phoenix.  Mason and my mom got special cupcakes and everyone sang happy birthday one last time.  This was the perfect way to end our trip.


Mason and my mom each got to enjoy a special birthday cupcake.

Stitch was a mischievous character!  The boys loved him!

Mickey waffles taste so much better than regular waffles.

This was an amazing family vacation and we all had the best time.  The kids surpassed our expectations and were on their best behaviors.  We are definitely planning another Disney vacation in the near future!