Monday, March 16, 2015

Life Lately

Life in the Boileau house is crazy and chaotic, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  Unfortunately we have had all kinds of sickness in this house, but we are all finally starting to get better and things are looking up.  My kids have been living in their pajamas these past few weeks and I think they are absolutely adorable.  I am hoping to have some time and get caught up on this blog, but for now, these few pictures represent life lately in our house.

Our living room is officially the play room.  We hang out here every evening and play with thousands of toys.  Mason makes forts out of the couch pillows, Noah and Dylan are always taking Penny's toys, and Marc and I are down on the floor right there with them.  

Mason enjoys playing with his toys on the kitchen table.  We encourage it because his toys have little parts and we don't want the twins to take anything.  Mason likes it because he does not like sharing his toys.  We are working on this.

The twins love playing (sometimes torturing) with Penny.  They play fetch with her.  It is really cute.  They get upset when Penny steals food from their hands, which happens often.

Noah refuses to climb the stairs.  He will cry with his arms up in the air until we carry him.  Dylan cries if we do carry him because he loves to climb up to bed.

This is one of many pictures Marc sent me when I was traveling to Dallas for work.  I missed my babies so much!

We love our evening walks.

Poor Mason got this nasty rash from antibiotics.  It did not effect him in any way, and it looked a lot worse than it was.

These boys are obsessed with Momma and Poppa!  Mason is too!  He loves spending the night at their house.

When Noah is sick, he is cranky and cries a lot.  The pacifier and Mickey Mouse make him happy, so he got a lot of both of those things these past few weeks.

My sister took me to Cirque Du Soleil for my birthday.  We had a fabulous day of mimosas and acrobatics.  Mason had to be in the picture, and yes, he is in pajamas. 

We had to get a new car (GMC Acadia) and I love it!  The 3 boys were quite snug in the Kia.  Now we have room to take more people in the car, and we didn't have to buy a minivan!  

These were some of my birthday treats.  I have a severe obsession with peanut butter and chocolate, especially white chocolate.  

Marc surprised me with a birthday message on the mirror when I woke up.  We were supposed to go up north to Flagstaff and celebrate, but due to lots of snow and Mason getting an ear infection, we had to cancel that trip.  Marc and I have an adults only weekend coming up and I can't wait!

Mason had a stressful day so that is how we justified this glass of wine.  Just kidding!  We put his grape juice in the glass.  I am sure we were getting dirty looks from others around us.

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