Sunday, March 22, 2015

Heart Walk 2015

This year my company sponsored the American Heart Association at the Phoenix Heart Walk.  My job was to help coordinate the event and meet our goal of $10,000 as a company.  I was also hoping to have at least 50 employees show up to the event and walk the 5K.  I am proud to say that we raised over $16,000 and we had more than 50 employees and their family members attend.  There was a lot of work involved, but it was awesome to see the end result.  I want to send a big THANK YOU to everyone that donated and helped support this cause.   It was a fantastic day!

The HR Team plus Brady

Mason and Brady giving knuckles.
Marc and Aunt Therese getting the kids ready for our walk.

Setting up the tent.

The twins loved playing in the rocks.

Thanks Aunt Therese for helping out with the kids!

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