Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year

2014 was an amazing year! All three of my boys have matured so much over these past 12 months. Last year at this time Marc and I did not know what to expect for the new year with newborn twins. This year I am beyond excited for what is in store for us. We are very blessed and fortunate to have a healthy, happy family. We wish you all a wonderful new year filled with happiness and health!

Our wild night was filled with babies, cousins, food, fireworks, and fun! So much has changed since we became parents. I was shocked that Marc and I lasted until midnight!

These babies are like puppies.  They are always searching for food.

They went the whole month of December not touching the tree and now they want to rip every ornament off of it.

Silly Austin!

Steven obviously had a great time!

Mason loved the sparklers. He wanted to do fireworks all night. We decided to let him stay up and celebrate with those on the East Coast. 

Happy New Year!

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