Thursday, January 1, 2015

Christmas Present

Anyone that knows me, understands that I have a slight obsession with taking pictures.  I want to remember and cherish every moment.  I love going back through pictures from the past and reminisce about each event.  This Christmas, Marc bought me a fancy, hi-tech camera that takes amazing pictures!  I am still learning how to use the camera and edit the pictures, but I am having a blast practicing.  I am even more obnoxious than ever with taking pictures.  You can tell that Mason is over the whole picture-taking thing, but yet when I am focusing on the twins, he needs to be front and center in those pictures.  Here are a few pictures that I have taken so far.  And yes, I think my children have lived in pajamas since Christmas morning.

Happy, little munchkins!

Mason (and all the boys) love their Poppa!

Penny is my favorite subject. She lets me take pictures all the time and never complains or moves.

This picture shows his true feelings of Mommy with the camera.

Dylan is constantly on the move and it is very difficult to get a picture of him sitting still.

I am obsessed with Noah's cheeks!

Brotherly love

Noah loves his Daddy!

Mason feeding the birds at Monica's house.

I obviously had to bribe him for this picture!  LOL!

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