Sunday, January 25, 2015

NFL Experience

For Christmas, we got Austin and Steven tickets to the NFL Experience at the Phoenix Convention Center. My mom and Jaime watched our kids and we spent the day with our nephews. We had brunch at Postino's and then headed to downtown Phoenix. It was super crowded and lots of lines, but we still had a blast. Thanks for the fun day Austin and Steven!

Selfie time!

Our family will always be divided!

Throwing the ball like a boss!

Austin was the only one that threw the ball through a tire!

Steven is a natural football player!

Field goal!!! That's my man!

I need to work on my form!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Sunday Fun-day

On Sunday, my sister, Jen, Ennette, and I took the boys to Anthem Park.  We shopped at the farmer's market (and tasted delicious food), fed the ducks, ran around the playground, and then rode the train through the park.  It was a perfect way to spend Sunday, and Daddy had some uninterrupted alone time to watch his beloved Cowboys.  The kids and I had a blast, unfortunately Daddy did not enjoy his time because the Cowboys lost.  

This kid loves the ducks!  We forgot bread, so instead we fed them goldfish, and they loved it!

Ennette and Jen got to enjoy young kids again for a few hours.  They both have teenagers and I am sure they were grateful to go home to some relaxation.  My boys are constantly on the go!

My sister is such a fun auntie!  These boys are blessed!

Noah is a more of a thinker than a mover.  He sat here very content while Dylan climbed up and down the steps.

Dylan's first time going down a slide by himself!

Noah's first time going down a slide by himself!

This was Noah's favorite spot.  He held on to those bars and rocked back and forth like a monkey giggling the entire time!

Dylan climbing up the slide.

I love Noah's sweet smile!

Noah did not like the sand!  Dylan was obsessed with it!  He threw it everywhere, while laughing and smiling the entire time.  See pictures below.

All 3 boys loved the train, even though it was the slowest moving train ever!

Mason getting ready to blow his whistle.  This was a fantastic day and all kids instantly passed out the second we got in the car to go home!

Photo taken by Jen.  This is pretty much how I looked all day.  LOL!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Bath Time with My Boys

These boys love taking a bath all together,

Especially when we add the cool light up ball that changes colors.

Dylan loves to splash and kick water everywhere!  At least it doesn't bother the others.  Mason usually joins in and then we have a huge water mess to clean up!

Watching my 3 children play together means the world to me!  My heart explodes with love for these guys!

Friday, January 9, 2015

3rd Annual Train Park Adventure (a little late)

Each year after Christmas the Olea family and my family meet up at the Scottsdale Train Park for a train ride and good times. This helps to prolong the Christmas spirit.  This year was the first time we brought the twins.  Noah cried until the train started moving and Dylan was in awe until he got some snow in his face.  Mason, as always, had a blast!  Thanks for a fun evening!