Friday, April 11, 2014

Twin Update

I love these guys so much!
Their hands are constantly in their mouths!

My Sweet Noah Bear

The best way to describe this amazing baby is to compare him to Santa Clause. He is a jolly, happy boy with a big belly! Noah's laugh is infectious and it makes my heart melt. When he looks into your eyes, he gives you the biggest, brightest smile and you easily forget about all of your troubles. He enjoys rice cereal now and loves to sleep!!!! He is sleeping from 8:30PM until 9:00AM, unless we have to wake him up. Noah has officially moved into the nursery. He also takes several naps throughout the day. He is reaching for toys and almost rolling over from back to front. Noah is my chill, relaxed kid. He hates the Bumbo, but loves sitting up. We are working on him balancing on his own. Noah also makes the funniest faces and has a tendency to stare for a long time without blinking. He cracks us all up. This sweet boy always brings a smile to my face:)

My Little Love Dylan

Dylan has turned into my sweet angel boy, except in the morning when he wakes up and wants to eat. I haven't heard him giggle yet, but that beautiful smile makes my heart skip a beat. He is still sleeping in our room, but we are training this guy to sleep. For the past week, Dylan has slept from 8:30PM until after 6:00AM! That is way better than him waking up all hours of the night. We are so proud of him! I am starting to remember what it feels like to sleep. If he keeps this up, he will soon join his brother in the nursery. Dylan is a speed eater with his rice cereal. He can finish a bowl in under 5 minutes. We literally have to shovel it in his mouth so he doesn't get upset. Dylan loves the Bumbo seat and could stay in there for a long time, but he still dislikes "tummy time". Dylan is our mover and shaker! When he is lying on the ground or sitting in a bouncy chair, his legs are going as if he is ready to run a marathon! We are going to have our hands full with this one. This gorgeous boy lights up my life!

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