Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Filled Weekend

We had a fantastic weekend celebrating Noah and Dylan's first Easter! It was especially great because this is the first Easter Mason really understood and he had a blast! 

On Friday afternoon, Mason decorated foam eggs for his cousins. He loves doing craft projects!

On Saturday, Mason, Daddy, and I dyed Easter eggs. Mason really enjoyed doing this too! He wanted to make pink ones because he said it was Mommy's favorite color. I didn't have the heart to tell him blue was my favorite because he was so excited about making them for me:) 

On Sunday, we all went to church and then had a delicious brunch at Jaime's house. All the boys got lots of treats and presents. Then we went to Grandpa Boileau's house to celebrate. When we got there, Aunt Michelle and Aunt Therese had already hidden eggs throughout the house for an awesome Easter egg hunt. Mason loved finding the eggs and eating the candy of course too! We had a wonderful Easter celebration!

The Easter bunny came to our house
These faces crack me up! 
Sweet Sebastian
Noah loves his new buddy!
Playing with Austin and Austin
Noah with Aunt Michelle
Looking for eggs

Back home, Mason got to open his Easter basket from Mommy and Daddy.
Such a fantastic weekend! Happy Easter 2014!

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