Thursday, February 14, 2013


I know that this day is just like every other day, but today I felt very special.  I am extremely blessed to have the most amazing people in my life!  It was such a nice surprise to wake up this morning to find gorgeous red roses and my favorite chocolates (heart-shaped Reese's Peanut Butter Cups) in my bathroom.  There were also 2 beautiful cards.  One was written from Mason and Penny (in their handwriting:) and the other was from my amazing, caring, loving husband.  When I got to my classroom, I was bombarded with more sweet surprises from my students.  Tears started rolling down my cheek when one of my students, who I was convinced hated me, brought me a chocolate rose and gave me a big hug.  Another student even made cards and treats for Mason and Marc.  I am very fortunate to have such a cool group of kiddos this year! I am looking forward to this evening for our Valentine's Day tradition.  Marc, Mason, and I will order in dinner, eat delicious dessert, and have some important quality family time:)  Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Mason cuddling with his new toy:)

Penny cuddling with her new toy:)

My sweet bathroom surprise!  LOL:)

"No pictures Mom!  We are trying to watch our favorite show."

My Little Loves Sharing Kisses

Tasty treats from my students.

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