Wednesday, February 20, 2013

An Afternoon at the Park

On Saturday, Mason and I walked over to our neighborhood park and enjoyed the beautiful weather.  Mason absolutely loves being outdoors and always enjoys the park.  Unfortunately, after our park adventure, Mason came down with 102.4 fever and was really sick for 4 days.  Having a sick child is the worst:(  Once he is feeling better, we will definitely resume our fun at the park:)

Mason loves to swing really high.  Hopefully this means he will like roller coasters like Mommy and Daddy:)


Check me out!

Taking a break from fun to chug to some water.

Mommy's Little Climber

Mason has an obsession with picking up rocks and dropping them on the ground.  He likes to repeat this action over and over again.  It must be a boy thing:)  LOL!

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