Monday, January 7, 2013

Old Friend, New Relationship

This weekend I had the opportunity to catch up with an old friend that I have not talked to in years.  Prior to meeting up, I was extremely anxious and nervous because I wasn't sure what it was going to be like.  Within seconds of seeing each other, all my anxiety disappeared and it felt like the good old days.  Even though it has been almost 6 years, it felt as if no time has passed between us, minus the fact that she has 2 kids and one on the way:)  I was very excited that Mason was able to enjoy a day in the park with her beautiful children, Lili and Kai, and Amelia's super sweet daughter, Skye.  He slept over 3 hours after our little excursion!  I look forward to many more days at the park!

Mommy's happy little guy!

Mason playing hard to get with Skye and Lili:)

Mason instantly bonded with Jessica:)

"Thanks for the push Lili!"

It is official, Mason no longer hates the sand!  Beach vacation, here we come:)

Kai and Mason were instant best friends!

"This is awesome!!!"

Lili spreading the love!

Look out scouts, Skye is going to be a professional baseball player:)

All 4 kids together!  Too bad Gandhi (Brooklyn's dog) and Penny missed out on the fun:)

Gorgeous Boys

Mason had a slight obsession with Kai.  He couldn't get close enough!  LOL!


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