Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas in Tucson

Mason, Momma, Poppa, Monica, and I drove down to Tucson to celebrate Christmas with Jackson and Andrea.  The boys love spending time with each other.  Jackson got this awesome cardboard house from Santa and both boys played peek-a-boo through the window.  Momma brought delicious food and we opened more presents.  I love that Mason and Jackson are growing up together:)

"I love playing with Jackson's toys!!!"


Jackson was exhausted after opening more presents:)

Mason was loving that house.

Mason and his "Grand-Monica"

Jackson loves her too!

The boys did not want to sit still, especially since there were hundreds of toys lying around.

I love this little guy more than anything!

Where's Jackson?

There he is!

These boys need to work on sharing.

Look at that face!


Mason and Jackson were mesmerized by the bubbles:)  Their faces are hysterical!

 Jackson is a walker!!!!

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