Monday, August 22, 2011

37 Week Appointment

After leaving the doctor today, I feel better about my "big" man.  She was very pleased with the progress that he made.  Mason has officially dropped and I am dilated to 1 centimeter.  Only 9 more to go!  I am 25% effaced and she was able to feel his head.  The doctor explained that I could go into labor tonight or in 2 weeks.  She also did show some concern about the size of my angel.  She explained that if I have not gone into labor by 39 weeks, then she is going to strip my membranes.  I hope Mason comes on his own because that sounded pretty painful.  But, on the other hand, pushing out a 9 pounder sounds pretty painful too:-)  The earlier I go into labor, the smaller he will be.  Now that everything is really happening, I better finish all of those last minute details I have been putting off.  At least the nursery is done, bassinet is put together, and the car seat is installed.  Ready or not he is coming!  I can't wait!!!! 

The nursery is finally finished!  We only need pictures of our Mace to put on the shelves:-)

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