Tuesday, August 9, 2011

35 Weeks

I can't believe that this pregnancy is coming to an end in a few short weeks.  I am starting to get more nervous and scared at this point.  I am extremely excited to finally meet my little Mason, but I am terrified of the process beforehand.  At 35 weeks I am starting to experience a lot more discomfort.  Sleeping is pretty much nonexistent at this point, but on the positive side, I will be prepared for late night feedings:-)  I feel like an old lady between my hip and back pains, but thank goodness for my wonderful husband and his excellent massages.  Unfortunately, my kickboxing days are over:(  I am struggling walking around my house, so needless to say I won't be going to the gym until after my Mason arrives.  I feel like Mason may have dropped this weekend because I can breathe a lot better, but I have some serious pressure in my lower abdomen and I rush to the bathroom constantly.  I understand that this is all part of the process and all of this will be forgotten when I hold my baby in my hands for the first time:-)  I went to the doctor the other day and she said everything looks great.  Mason was relaxed and his heartbeat was 135 beats per minute.  I am still measuring a week ahead.  I only gained 1 pound in 2 weeks!  I was nervous that it might be more because I ate so much when my family was here visiting.  The next visit we will do an ultra sound to find out how much he weighs and to make sure he is in the correct position.  The doctor will also be checking to see if I am dilated yet.  I still can't believe that this pregnancy is almost over and a new chapter in our lives is about to begin!

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