Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mason Richard Boileau

Marc could not resist buying Mason this Jedi outfit.  He is such a Star Wars geek, but I love him for it:-)

Party at our house!

Thanks Uncle David and Aunt Andrea!  I can't wait to find out about Baby M!

Carter's is my new favorite store:-)

I love the lion on the butt!!!

Thanks for the book Jodi!  I am going to add it to Mason's already growing collection!

Thanks Aunt Genny for the car seat toy.  This will come in handy when we come over for a visit:-)

Marc and I have finally chosen our little man's name.  He will be Mason Richard Boileau.  Mason is one of the few names that Marc and I agreed on and Richard is Marc's dad's (Grandpa's) name.  I love being able to call him by a name and go shopping for him!  It is all official now, we really are pregnant.  LOL!  We better start preparing for our precious little angel.  I am 19 weeks along and at the point where things are getting a little more difficult lately.  I have more back pain now and the excruciating uncomfortable feeling in my ribs has gotten worse.  I also think I have less energy now than I did in the first trimester.  I find myself requiring more naps to get through the days.  I thought this was the honeymoon stage???  I am done complaining because  I know that I can handle whatever this pregnancy brings.  It will all be worth it in the end.  On a positive note, Mason is now the size of a large mango.  He is measuring at about 6 inches and weighs about 8 ounces.  I feel little flutters in my belly every now and then, especially after I eat.  No official kicks yet, but a few questionable feelings in my belly.  Mason is able to hear our voices and Penny barking now.  Marc and I talk to him regularly:-)  I also want him to get used to our loud voices, which is not hard with my family (LOL!), so that he will sleep through anything when he is born.  I am so looking forward to meeting our son!        


  1. Love his name, can't wait to meet him and see Mason in all these adorable clothes!

  2. I love his name too!!!!!!!! Maybe Mason will be Presley's first boyfriend! LOL! I am so happy for you and cannot wait to meet the little guy! Love all the clothes you got him! He is going to be so stylin'.

  3. Great name... I third that LOL!! So cute to see all the boy clothes!! I love them, I remember shopping for Mateo and going crazy!! LOL!! Mason will look so cute in all of them!!! Time to shop for some camo LOL!! You know what I mean... :)
