Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It's a BOY-leau!

Cutest boy ever!!!

He wouldn't look at the camera, but he finally showed off his goods!
I love him so much already!

I love you Brooklyn!  Thanks for the wonderful surprise when we got home!
Turtle Time!  You know us so well!!!
Marc and I were beyond excited to find out that we are bringing a little, healthy baby boy into this world.  Look out ladies, he is GORGEOUS!  This may explain my raging hormones throughout this pregnancy.  My body is not used to all of this testosterone!  LOL:-)  He was bouncing and moving around in my belly like a little crazy person.  It was hard for the doctor to get a clear picture at times because he did not want to stay still.  I told Marc that we have a Penny in my belly because she never sits still either!  The doctor said that everything looks great and his heartbeat was beating at 143 beats per minute.  I can't wait to go shopping!!!!  I think it is about time that Marc and I clear out the spare bedroom and make room for our little man.  I plan on going with an island/beach theme for the nursery.  Marc and I got married on a beach and decided to get pregnant when we were on vacation visiting the beautiful island of Jamaica.  Now I can really start planning!  We are still debating over our son's name and we hope to come up with a decision as soon as possible.  I will keep you posted:-)      

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOSH!!!!!! I AM SOOOOO EXCITED! Boy was I wrong (no pun intended). I so thought you were having a girl. LOL! I am so happy for you to have your little angel. Congrats! He is soooo gorgeous too!! :) My little girl will be here shortly.
