Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Edward Cullen's Child?

Aren't those monkey pajamas HOT??

Since this is my first child, and understanding that every person's pregnancy is different, I may have been a little naive when it came to comprehending what was going to happen to my body.  I was under the impression that I would be able to wear my regular clothes and not really start showing for at least 5 months.  I was WRONG!  Being only 5 foot 1 inch and having a short torso (even though I always thought otherwise), this baby has nowhere to grow, but out.  My belly is growing at a rapid pace that I feel like Bella when she was pregnant with Edward's child (I know, another teenage girl reference:-)  This week has been interesting.  At the start of my 14th week, I was blessed with one of the roughest pregnancy days as of yet.  I had constant morning sickness from 8:30 AM until 10 PM.  I thought this was supposed to end in the 2nd trimester???  I am easily irritated (sorry Marc and students:-) and everything annoys me this week.  Maybe it is because my clothes are too tight.  LOL!  This is a huge change from the passed weeks when I was crying over the slightest things, like a new pimple on my face.  I can't be held accountable for my behaviors because it is the hormones, at least that is what I keep telling myself.  LOL!  Baby Boileau is now the size of a clenched fist, which is fitting for the way I feel this week.  The baby can now suck its thumb, squint, frown, and pee!  They grow up so fast!  4 weeks left until we find out if "Noname" is a boy or a girl.  I can't wait!   


  1. LOVE hearing all the details, wish we were there in person. I am HUGE and I still have 11 weeks to go. I just woke up one day with a giant belly, but at least no one has to wonder if I'm prego or not anymore! I hope you start feeling better and the hormones normalize. Then you can try to enjoy it a bit more. take care! JulieAnn

  2. Haha! You crack me up! You look beautiful!!!!!!
