Thursday, March 3, 2011

12 Week Ultra Sound

It is hard to tell, but this is the profile.  The head is on the left.  I hope the baby gets Marc's nose:-)

The head is on the right, and the baby's legs are up and to the left.  They are crossed like a little lady, maybe?

I can't believe that the first trimester is just about over!  Time is flying by and I am so grateful to really be feeling fantastic.  I do get extremely tired and fall asleep on the couch around 7 PM, but overall I feel awesome.  Thank you Marc for always doing the dishes and cleaning up around the house.  A girl could get used to this:-)  (Just kidding, Marc has always helped out)  We had the best doctor's appointment as of yet yesterday!  We got to see our gorgeous, little baby.  I am already a proud mama!  He/She kept waving at us and putting his/her hand behind the head.  The baby looked so comfortable and relaxed.  It was by far the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life.  There has been so much growth since the 6 week ultra sound.  I am convinced that it is a girl because she had her legs crossed the way a proper lady should.  LOL!  Marc just laughed at me.  We also got to hear the heartbeat, which is such a beautiful sound.  The heart was beating at 158 bpm.  I have another appointment set for March 28, but that is just to listen to the heartbeat.  2 weeks after that is the BIG appointment where we find out if "Noname" is a boy or a girl.  I can't wait for that!  I want to start buying stuff already!   


  1. OMG!!!! I am sooo excited for you!!!! He/she is already so beautiful!!!!!!!! I cannot wait till you find out the gender! I am still thinking girl!!!!!! :)

  2. Isn't this the best!!! So crazy to be able to see!! Time will start to fly, enjoy it all!! I am on the fence with the gender... my feeling is boy.. either way both of you are going to blessed!
