Monday, March 28, 2011

16 Week Appointment

16 weeks and growing:-)
My appointment went really well today.  I was concerned because last night I woke up around 4 AM and could not go back to bed because of sharp pains in my lower abdomen.  I moved my appointment to an earlier one because I was a little nervous.  Right away we heard the healthy heartbeat (145 bpm) and the doctor said everything is normal and right on track.  Apparently the sharp pains are from my uterus growing.  It was pretty painful, but thank God "Noname" is doing well and getting bigger.  The baby is now about 3-4 inches in length and weighing about 3-5 ounces, even though the way my stomach looks, I would have thought the baby was way bigger.  Two weeks left until the major ultra sound when we find out if we are on team pink or blue.  I can't wait!!!! 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Edward Cullen's Child?

Aren't those monkey pajamas HOT??

Since this is my first child, and understanding that every person's pregnancy is different, I may have been a little naive when it came to comprehending what was going to happen to my body.  I was under the impression that I would be able to wear my regular clothes and not really start showing for at least 5 months.  I was WRONG!  Being only 5 foot 1 inch and having a short torso (even though I always thought otherwise), this baby has nowhere to grow, but out.  My belly is growing at a rapid pace that I feel like Bella when she was pregnant with Edward's child (I know, another teenage girl reference:-)  This week has been interesting.  At the start of my 14th week, I was blessed with one of the roughest pregnancy days as of yet.  I had constant morning sickness from 8:30 AM until 10 PM.  I thought this was supposed to end in the 2nd trimester???  I am easily irritated (sorry Marc and students:-) and everything annoys me this week.  Maybe it is because my clothes are too tight.  LOL!  This is a huge change from the passed weeks when I was crying over the slightest things, like a new pimple on my face.  I can't be held accountable for my behaviors because it is the hormones, at least that is what I keep telling myself.  LOL!  Baby Boileau is now the size of a clenched fist, which is fitting for the way I feel this week.  The baby can now suck its thumb, squint, frown, and pee!  They grow up so fast!  4 weeks left until we find out if "Noname" is a boy or a girl.  I can't wait!   

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

1st Trimester is Offically Over!!!

This is my belly at 4 weeks pregnant! (I was still trying to lose holiday weight:-)

This is my belly at 13 weeks.  Holy Belly!

OMG!  13 weeks flew by!  I can't believe I am starting the 2nd trimester.  Baby Boileau is the size of a peach or about 3 inches long, but my belly feels a lot bigger.  Most pregnancy symptoms should be subsiding, so I am hoping the occasional nausea will finally end.  I am also hoping to have more energy because I have not been working out as much as I would have liked.  My students continue to point out my growing belly.  I officially purchased my first pair of maternity pants this weekend.  They are unbelievably comfortable!  My jeans were just fitting a little too snug, which made breathing difficult.  LOL:-)  These are my new favorite pants.  I plan on wearing them even after the baby is born too.  They are going to be my buffet/Christmas dinner pants:-) 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

12 Week Ultra Sound

It is hard to tell, but this is the profile.  The head is on the left.  I hope the baby gets Marc's nose:-)

The head is on the right, and the baby's legs are up and to the left.  They are crossed like a little lady, maybe?

I can't believe that the first trimester is just about over!  Time is flying by and I am so grateful to really be feeling fantastic.  I do get extremely tired and fall asleep on the couch around 7 PM, but overall I feel awesome.  Thank you Marc for always doing the dishes and cleaning up around the house.  A girl could get used to this:-)  (Just kidding, Marc has always helped out)  We had the best doctor's appointment as of yet yesterday!  We got to see our gorgeous, little baby.  I am already a proud mama!  He/She kept waving at us and putting his/her hand behind the head.  The baby looked so comfortable and relaxed.  It was by far the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life.  There has been so much growth since the 6 week ultra sound.  I am convinced that it is a girl because she had her legs crossed the way a proper lady should.  LOL!  Marc just laughed at me.  We also got to hear the heartbeat, which is such a beautiful sound.  The heart was beating at 158 bpm.  I have another appointment set for March 28, but that is just to listen to the heartbeat.  2 weeks after that is the BIG appointment where we find out if "Noname" is a boy or a girl.  I can't wait for that!  I want to start buying stuff already!