Thursday, April 13, 2017

Newest Members of the Boileau Family

We were recently gifted a 10 gallon fish tank with some accessories.  I was extremely hesitant, but that changed when I saw the faces of my boys.  They were so excited to get some fish.  After some research and two trips to Petco, we adopted 6 fish.  Unfortunately, 4 of those 6 did not make it through the weekend.  Clearly I suck at taking care of fish!  Marc went back to Petco for a third time and spoke with an expert.  They tested our water and explained that our water levels were fine, but we needed to stick with guppies and mollies for our first time.  I am happy to report that Anna, Elsa, Mickey, and Minnie are doing great!  I swear they recognize me and swim to the top when I walk by because they want to be fed.  We even got a snail, Kylo Ren, to add to the tank.   Every morning the boys run over to the aquarium to check on our pets.  It is the cutest thing.  Let's just hope we can keep these fish alive!

Meet Anna and Elsa.  These are the fish that Noah picked out and I can't believe how they have his personality.  They are the bullies of the tank.  LOL!

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