Friday, January 1, 2016

Merry Christmas 2015

We had an amazing Christmas!  We had family over at our house on Christmas Eve.  Momma cooked most of the food and it was extremely delicious!  We had everyone back over, including the Boileau family, for Christmas morning brunch. The boys were spoiled with tons of presents, but the best part though, was being all together with family.  That is what Christmas is all about!

Christmas Eve

Putting out the cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer.

Christmas Morning

Santa was here!
And he brought the coolest fort ever!
 Penny loves opening presents.

All the boys slept in until 8:30AM on Christmas morning.  Mason was the most excited this year and the twins loved unwrapping presents.  It was definitely a very Merry Christmas!

Christmas Day Brunch

 I think the kids need more presents next year...NOT!!!  Time to go through the old toys and donate!
 My inspiration for a happy marriage!  Love these two!

These two will be best friends for life!

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