Tuesday, January 19, 2016

AZ Winter Days

The main reason I love living in Arizona is for our winter weather.  Today was the perfect day to spend outside running around, riding bikes and scooters, playing in the fort, and simply enjoying the sunshine.  These days are my favorite!

These two love to ride their scooters, but I think they love their helmets even more!  LOL!  They wear them around the house!

He may be ready to start practicing without training wheels soon.

These three are my life!


Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Phoenix Zoo

Our first trip to the zoo this year was a success!  Even though it was cold, that did not stop us from enjoying ourselves.  As always, feeding the giraffes was the highlight of the day.  I was really bummed that I forgot my good camera, but at least my phone took some decent pictures.  Our next trip to the zoo will be in just a few short weeks!

Mason loved riding the camel with Aunt Therese.

Noah looks so tiny on the tractor.

Marc teaching the boys how to milk a cow.

Mason and Dylan loved the petting zoo.  

Dylan went up to each goat and brushed their fur.

Noah wasn't a big fan:(

Ha ha!  Check out the great shot of the tiger pooping!

Can't wait for our next trip back!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Jam-Packed Weekend

We have had an obnoxious amount of rain here in Arizona over the last week.  I am spoiled with blue skies and lots of sunshine on a regular basis, so a week of rain does not make me happy.  I was super excited when the sun made its presence this weekend, so we decided to spend as much time outside as we can.  Jen and I went on a 6 mile run (we walked the last 2 miles) through the beautiful Sonoran Desert Trail, went to the Scottsdale Train Park, and finished off the weekend at the Phoenix Zoo. Marc got us a membership at the zoo, so we will be visiting that place quite a bit this year.  We had a fantastic, jam-packed weekend!

Ha ha!  This picture of Noah cracks me up!

Dylan was really excited about the birds flying around.

Mason and I rode this mini train.  

These boys have my heart!

I caught these two snuggling from a distance:)

Pictures from us at the zoo will follow in another post.