Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Happy Hanukah!

We had everyone over to celebrate the first night of Hanukah for my dad.  We had a great time hanging out, eating, and lighting candles.  Auntie Jaime spoiled the boys with presents. With the help of my dad (via phone) saying the prayer, we lit the candles for all 8 nights.  The boys were obsessed with taking turns lighting the candles.  The twins would say happy birthday and did not understand why they weren't allowed to blow out these candles.  Maybe next year they will be able to understand the meaning of Hanukah.

I was brought up 1/2 Jewish, so it is important that my children learn about their culture.

My handsome guy!

These two are always eating!

Mason's look makes my heart skip a beat!

Noah is always happy and relaxed with Saba!  These two have a special bond.

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