Thursday, October 22, 2015

Disney Day #1

Our first day at Disneyland was jam packed.  We were all super excited and wanted to cram everything into that first day.  We had to keep reminding ourselves that we had five full days to enjoy the parks.  The park was decorated with pumpkins and some of the rides were changed for Halloween.  The Haunted Mansion was awesome and decorated with everything from the Nightmare Before Christmas.  I have never seen the movie, but after going on this ride, I definitely want to now. Space Mountain was invaded by ghosts and skeletons.  Hindsight, had we known this ride was going to be extra scary, we probably would not have taken Mason on it.  Space Mountain was the second ride he went on, and he did not trust us very much the rest of that day. He did not cry and was very brave, but definitely did not like it and wanted to go back to the hotel.  Thank goodness a Mickey lollipop and Cars land changed his mind and he was happy again.  The twins were amazing considering we woke them up early and they did not take a nap.  Dylan loved every ride he went on.  Noah wasn't as easy going, but if he sat on my lap, he was fine.  These two were not as bad as I thought they would be waiting in lines.  Of course they wanted to run off and do their own thing, but we were able to keep them in check.  Thank goodness there were ten of us!  We would not have had as much fun if they weren't with us!

Happy 60th Birthday to this beautiful woman!  I am so blessed to have her as my mommy.  She is an amazing grandma to all of her grandchildren!

 This picture was taken with my phone.  Mason was very brave in line for Space Mountain
My baby did not enjoy this.  It made his belly hurt:(
The teacup ride was one of Mason's favorites.

All smiles in Cars land!

No only did they love the Storybook Land ride, but the ducks by the water as well.

Mason got to meet a real Stormtrooper!

The twins were obsessed with this water feature outside of Space Mountain.  

A lollipop makes everything okay!

Everyone was super excited to meet Lightening McQueen!

Hanging out at the Cozy Cone.

Mason went on the tractor ride at least 5 times!

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