Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Mason Starts Pre-K

My sweet baby boy is turning into a mature young man!

That backpack is bigger than him.

He was so excited about his Star Wars backpack.

Mason's first assignment for school.  He was supposed to draw his face in the circle, but chose to draw the stars and moon.  He is already thinking out of the box my creative boy!  Then Mrs. Bates asked him to draw some something important to him and write his name.  We've been practicing all summer, but he struggled a bit with writing his name today.  I love that he drew Marc and him on their camping trip. He talks about that trip all the time.    

This is a picture of a picture.  Mrs. Bates took a picture of everyone in his class and hung them up on the wall outside the classroom.  All of the other kids have big smiles on their faces and my kid looks miserable!  

The cut-off date for pre-k is September 1.  Since Mason's birthday is September 7, we decided to have him start school and see how he does.  If he struggles, then we can always have him repeat pre-k.  After one week at school and talking with Mrs. Bates and the director of Explorers in Learning, they believe that he will be more than ready to start Kindergarten next year.  Mason was so brave that first day of school and I was so proud of him.  I broke down in the car crying and he had a fantastic day!  There are mornings when he cries and doesn't want me to leave him (these are the worst), but for the most part, he has adjusted to the change really well.  My baby is growing up!

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