Monday, June 15, 2015

First Camping Trip with Daddy

Marc took Mason to Cyclone Lake last weekend. Mason was super excited! He couldn't wait to go fishing, hiking, make a fire, and sleep in a tent. Marc was super excited to have this bonding experience with Mason. Mason had the best weekend ever and can't wait to go camping again! Marc did not want to take our good camera, so these pictures were all taken from his phone. Next year, Marc can take all 3 boys while I hang out at the spa!

Mason caught two fish, but refused to touch them! Lol! He took second place in the fishing contest. I was so proud of him.

It was cold up north.

He is a natural!

His face cracks me up!

Their home for the weekend.

The amazing view of Cyclone Lake. Marc and I were last here when I was pregnant with Mason.

Roasting marshmallows, but he wouldn't eat them! Lol!

There was no service at the lake at all. Marc had to hike up a hill to this garbage dump to get some reception. We only talked for five minutes the whole time they were gone. It was so hard for me!!!

Mason picked this flower for me! Such a sweet boy!

Sleeping soundly in his sleeping bag on the air mattress.

I got to spend the weekend with these monkeys. They loved chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, naked swimming at Momma's house (pictures to follow), and spending quality time playing around the house.

Our TV went out from the thunderstorm, so I had to improvise in order to give them their Mickey fix.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Twin Dedication

We finally had the boys' baby dedication to god at momma and poppa's church. It was a nice service and a fun party at the house. We ate delicious food and went swimming in our pool. God bless Noah and Dylan!

The kids were so good throughout the service. The teenagers were not so well behaved.

Lots of prayers for our boys!

Not happy about taking pictures.

I love it when all of our boys are together.

Noah loves all food!
Dylan is the picky eater.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Doctor Visit

This is how they really feel about going to the doctor. Mason freaks out when I pull into the parking lot. These two started crying as we walked down the hall to the room. I am very grateful that Aunt Therese was with me because I don't think I could have handled this visit alone!

This was going on before Dr. Curly even came in the room.

They knew what was going to happen.

The second we got back in the car, these guys were all smiles. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

1 1/2 Year Check-Up

Love these two!

Thank goodness the rock did not hit me!

These boys are moving swiftly through "toddlerhood" and this mama is having a hard time with it.  My boys are very independent and progressing perfectly.  Noah is 26 pounds  (75th percentile) and 31 inches tall (9th percentile).  He continues to be my chunky little runt.  Dylan is 27 pounds 2 ounces (86th percentile) and 32 inches tall (35th percentile).  He continues to be my tank.  Their vocabulary has grown so much in the past few months.  Noah has always been a talker, but Dylan is catching up in that department.  My favorite things that Noah says are: I love you, hi Mommy, hi Daddy, let it go (when he wants to watch Frozen), more please (along with signing it when he wants more food), where did he go? (when he can't find something/someone), he says most names of everyone in our family, what's that?, yes, cookie, cracker, clean up, and so much more.  My favorite things that Dylan says are: Hello (when he puts the phone to his ear), hi Mommy, hi Daddy, blueberry, strawberry, belly (while he points to his belly button), he names all of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse characters, Hotdog (when Mickey is over), go (when racing Mason and Noah up the stairs), that's me (while pointing to himself), clean up, and the sweet sounds of trying to sing Let it Go when we are watching Frozen ( I understand him perfectly, but others may not).  Dr. Curly explained that they are right on track and have come a long way since their NICU days.

These boys can be the best of friends one minute and then ready to kill each other the next.  I love when we catch them banging on doors together and laughing hysterically.  They have a tendency to copy one another.  They love playing in the kitchen together, but if one of them takes something from the other one, there is screaming, crying, pulling hair, ripping clothes, head butting, and hitting.  There are WWE type fights in our house on a regular basis.  But then they are best friends again right after.  They both love sitting in someone's lap to read books.  Noah has a tendency to get territorial and does not want Dylan sharing this time, but we are working on this with him.  Dylan wants all attention from everyone all of the time, and Noah is very content sitting in the corner doing his own thing.  My favorite time is watching them interact from their cribs in their room.  They both love jumping up and down and giggling when we turn off the light and try to put them to bed.  We watch them on the monitor having their "conversations".  When we call out to them to go to bed, they both immediately lay down and pretend to be sleeping.  They have so much character and personality at 1 1/2 years old.  I thank God every day for having these amazing babies!