Saturday, November 1, 2014

NICU Reunion

It has been almost a year since my boys were in the NICU. That was probably the most difficult time in my life! I would not have survived those days if it wasn't for my family, great friends, and the amazing nurses in the hospital. Today was the annual NICU reunion where families got together at the Scottsdale Train Park. We got to meet so many wonderful parents and precious children. Marc and I kept saying how fortunate we were for our healthy, perfect boys. We also met tons of parents of twins, triplets, and even quadruplets! We struggled with newborn twins, so I can't even imagine what it would be like with more babies at once. We all enjoyed hanging out on the grass, the petting zoo, carousel rides, and of course riding on the train. We had a fantastic day!

Nurse Karen will always hold a special place in my heart! The twins and I spent Thanksgiving with her last year in the NICU. She even helped me give Dylan his first bath.

Rolling around with Daddy!

Mason loves taking selfies!

Boileau selfie on the train! Lol!

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