Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Polar Express

This weekend our family of five plus Grandma, Momma, Poppa, Aunt Therese, Auntie Jaime, Austin, and Steven went to Williams, AZ to ride the train to the North Pole. Mason is obsessed with trains and for the past 2 years the movie The Polar Express has been his favorite. We booked this trip back in March and it worked out because the hotel has been sold out for a long time. Minus some mishaps (Noah was sick and our twin stroller was stolen), Mason could not stop telling us how much he loved the train and the excitement in his eyes was priceless! He loved being with everyone and having our family together was awesome.

Party of Five


It was cold!!! The twins did not like being bundled up. (Photo taken prior to the stroller being stolen)

Mason was dancing in the street to the hot chocolate song.

Steven felt the need to photo bomb our picture.

All aboard!

Mason and his buddy Austin

The Crew

We brought our book on the train and Mason read along. Too cute!!!

Best friends (according to Mason) checking out the North Pole.

Santa came on the train and gave everyone a bell from his sleigh. Mason was a little scared and surprised at the same time.

This picture cracks me up!  

Despite some drama, we had a great time being together. Mason could not stop smiling and telling us how happy he was. If we do this again, we will make sure all kids are healthy and no longer need a stroller:)

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Happy 1st Birthday Noah and Dylan

This past year has been a whirlwind of emotions from laughter, sadness, fear, and pure joy and we survived it all!  One year ago today Noah and Dylan came into our lives to complete our family. The love I have for these boys is indescribable.  I can't imagine my life without them.  I look forward to celebrating many more birthdays with these two.   Happy birthday Noah Bear and Dilly Bar!

1 Month

2 Months

3 Months

4 Months

5 Months

6 Months

7 Months

8 Months

9 Months

10 Months

11 Months

12 Months
Happy Birthday!!!!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Dylan and Noah's Ark

We celebrated the twin's first birthday this weekend.  I am so blessed for my amazing family and friends that have helped us through this first year with two wonderful, lovable munchkins.

My creative, artistic husband made the ark.

The petting zoo was the highlight of the party.

Mason posed like this on his own!  I didn't even have to force him to smile.  He really liked the pig.

The trampoline was another highlight of the party.  (Thanks Brooklyn)

The goats were dressed up in hats and tutus.

Happy birthday my loves!

Noah was not a big fan of the goats.

Dylan did not mind them.

The kids loved the roller coaster too.  (Thanks again Brooklyn)

This is the first time the boys tried cake.  Dylan loved it and Noah did not like getting messy.

Dylan was double fisting it at one point.

Auntie forced Noah's hand in the cake, otherwise I don't think he would have touched it.  LOL!