Tuesday, September 24, 2013

26 Weeks

Danny and Arnold are getting big! I am finally coming to the realization that I am pregnant with twins. This pregnancy has officially gotten more difficult. The lack of sleep is making it difficult to function. I sleep best reclined on the couch surrounded by ten pillows. Morning sickness is creeping back into my daily routine along with extreme exhaustion. I know I say it a million times, but I am extremely fortunate to have such an amazing supportive husband. And an easy-going toddler that makes life simpler. I've gained 19 pounds so far, but with not being able to exercise as much, that number may sky rocket:( I love feeling these boys move around in my belly. I just wish they wouldn't do it as much at midnight when I am trying to sleep. My next appointment is on Thursday, so hopefully I will get some cute pictures of my boys!

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