Tuesday, September 24, 2013

26 Weeks

Danny and Arnold are getting big! I am finally coming to the realization that I am pregnant with twins. This pregnancy has officially gotten more difficult. The lack of sleep is making it difficult to function. I sleep best reclined on the couch surrounded by ten pillows. Morning sickness is creeping back into my daily routine along with extreme exhaustion. I know I say it a million times, but I am extremely fortunate to have such an amazing supportive husband. And an easy-going toddler that makes life simpler. I've gained 19 pounds so far, but with not being able to exercise as much, that number may sky rocket:( I love feeling these boys move around in my belly. I just wish they wouldn't do it as much at midnight when I am trying to sleep. My next appointment is on Thursday, so hopefully I will get some cute pictures of my boys!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday Jackson

My gorgeous nephew, Jackson, turned 2 on September 11. Last weekend we all went down to Tucson to celebrate with him. I love him soooooo much! 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

2 Year Check-Up

Mason had his 2 year well check this week. Our little guy is 35 1/2 inches tall and weighs 30.2 pounds. He continues to remain in the 85th percentile. Dr. Curly was impressed with Mason's language development. This kid is speaking in full sentences already! He was definitely not a fan of the doctor's office and cried a lot, until we bribed him with his favorite treat, a lollipop. His 2 year molars are starting to poke through which may explain some of his crankiness lately. Overall, my baby is super healthy and perfect! I can't get enough of this little munchkin:

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

24 Week Comparison

It is funny how huge I thought I was with Mason. Looking back, it looks like I ate a huge meal! These boys are growing! Less than 14 weeks until they make their debut. This pregnancy is flying by, maybe because I am not ready and I want them to stay in my belly for another year!

Saturday, September 7, 2013


Mason has a severe addiction to all things related to Disney Cars. He can name every character and even quotes parts from either of the movies. It was an obvious decision to make this the theme of his 2nd birthday party. He was definitely in Cars heaven!

These "cones" are actually edible cakes.
Route 66 Rice Krispie Street
Even PePaw (Grandpa Boileau according to Mason) got in on the theme. Check out the awesome, delicious cake he made!

Happy 2nd Birthday Mason!

My wonderful friend from school made this amazing cake! Not only did it look great, but it tasted fantastic!!!!
Happy Birthday to me!
Mason LOVED his cake!
The September Birthday Crew!
Best. Present. Ever!!!

Mason celebrated his birthday with another party at the house. Our little boy is turning into such a sweet, happy, loving kid. We are so blessed for this guy and if his brothers are anything like him, then I will have nothing to worry about! Happy birthday sweet boy! Thank you for bringing joy and happiness into our lives and the lives of so many others! We love you!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Happy 40th Birthday My Love

Lots of cakes and lots of celebrating for my handsome hubby! Happy 40th birthday to the most loving husband, amazing father, and the best man I know! Mason, Danny, Arnold, Penny and I are so blessed to have you in our lives! We love you!!!  ðŸ’—❤💗