Thursday, March 7, 2013

How I Love Mason? Let Me Count the Ways...

My little angel is officially 1 1/2 years old today.  As he continues to grow (sniffle, sniffle:), I find new things that I love about him every day.  Let me count the ways...
  1. I love that every time Mason laughs hard, he snorts and instantly gets the hiccups.  That sweet sound can bring a smile to my face, no matter what kind of day I am having.
  2. I love the tickle sound that Mason makes.  I even enjoy it when he tries to lift my shirt in public to tickle my belly.
  3. I love that Mason repeats everything we say.  He is such a smart young boy and I am beyond excited for his future.
  4. I love that we can take Mason to any restaurant.  He is usually well behaved and can sit for a long time (as long as we bribe him with food or sugar packets:).
  5. I love how he yells "Momma" when I pick him up from daycare and comes running into my arms.  (It wasn't always like this)
  6. I love how much Mason loves Momma and Poppa.  Whenever they are around, no one else seems to matter.  I also love that he looks forward to Wednesdays when he gets to spend the whole day with Momma.   
  7. I love how obsessed Mason is with his sister (Penny:).  He always calls for her when we get home.  He hits her face, pulls on her tail, and tries to lay on her all out of brotherly love!
  8. I love how independent Mason is becoming.  He wants to do everything on his own.  I have him trained well because he barely makes a mess when he feeds himself.  He still struggles with soup though:)
  9. I love the look on his face when Daddy comes home from work.  No one can make Mason laugh like his daddy.  Whether Daddy is wrestling with Mason, playing peek-a-boo, dancing for him during the Creature Report song from Octonauts, or just cuddling on the couch, Mason has the brightest, biggest smile (and snort sounds:).
  10. I love that Mason is a perfect combination of Marc and I.  He is such a loving, caring little guy and I am happiest being with my 2 favorite boys and my Penny.
I love you Mason more and more each day!  Thank you for being such a blessing and perfect addition to our family! 

Mason's new favorite toy.. the POTTY!


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