Friday, March 29, 2013

Feeding the Ducks

Mason and I spent the morning with Brooklyn walking along the Scottsdale Greenbelt Trail.  The weather was amazing and Mason's favorite part was feeding the ducks.  I wish Brooklyn lived here so that we could do these outdoor adventures all the time!

This evening I took Mason to Desert Ridge.  He stood like this and stared at the band that was performing for 15 minutes.  LOL!  Then he sat on my lap and cuddled (while still mesmerized by the music) for another 15 minutes.  My little man just may be a musician when he grows up:)

Monday, March 25, 2013

Mason and Jackson Time

This weekend Andrea and Jackson came up to Phoenix to visit.  We had a beautiful baby shower for my cousin Nicole who is expecting Sebastian in May!  We are all super excited to have a little baby around again, especially since our babies are now big toddlers!  It was a great weekend hanging out with the family:)  Mason and Jackson even took pictures with the Easter bunny.  Jackson enjoyed her, but Mason on the other hand had a huge meltdown as his turn approached.  He finally stopped crying long enough for us to get some pictures. 

Mason did not trust that bunny!

My battery was not charged, so this is the only picture I got from the baby shower:(  Thank you Marc for making the tasty caramels that everyone enjoyed!

Mason <3 Momma!

Mason missed his Auntie Andrea and cousin Jackson.

Jackson does not need the candy in the Easter basket, just the basket itself:)

Lots of smiles before the bunny:)

"OMG!  Did you see that scary Easter Bunny??!!!"

"Come play with me Jackson!"

The Barnes & Noble kid area was awesome!

Looking smooth in Mommy's sunglasses!

I love that sweet face!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sunday Fun Day at the Zoo

On Sunday, my boys and I spent the afternoon at the zoo.  We met up with some friends which always makes a good time even better:)  We all enjoyed the delicious kettle corn ( a little too much:) and of course all of the animals.  We look forward to spending many more days at the zoo, especially before it gets to be 200 billion degrees (okay 110 degrees, but it feels the same!).

Mason loved the goats in the petting zoo.  He did not want to leave this area.

"Mom, can we take this one home?"

They both look guilty!

Mason may just want to be a farmer when he grows up.  He really enjoyed this tractor!

Move out of my way!

As long as there is a steering wheel, Mason will play with it:)

Getting tired after a long day.

My little guy now enjoys watching the animals!  He is growing up so fast.

I love watching Mason and Marc together!

He loves his daddy soooooo much!


Mason has such an obsession with chairs!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

18 Month Check Up

Mason had his 18 month well check visit with the doctor this week.  Dr. Curley's words were, "Mason is doing excellent.  He is ahead of the game.  He is doing things that we look for at the 2 year old visit."  That's my boy! He's already an overachiever:)  Mason continues to be in the 85th percentile for head size, weight (27.5 pounds), and height (33 1/2 inches tall).  The entire visit wasn't all perfect though.  When we first stepped foot into the building, Mason went into melt down mode.  He is very familiar with this building and sure as heck did not want to be there.  As we trudged down the hallway, the tears started falling and my little boy was trying to squirm his way out of my arms and run in the other direction.  He even freaked out when we put him on the scale!  After the nurse checked his vitals, then he finally calmed down.  I brought along VocabuLarry and he was perfect the rest of the visit.  LOL!  That video is coming with me every time now.  The doctor explained that all of his new behaviors (tantrums, not eating as well, refusing naps, sudden shyness, etc.) are completely normal for his age.  My little guy is acting like a typical toddler.  I am kind of looking forward to him growing out of this stage, but I think it is only going to get worse before it gets better:)

Here are some recent pictures of my little 18 month old!
Taking a break from cooking:)

Mason loves the Splash Pad, unfortunately he has to wait until it gets a little warmer.

For now, he is content staring at the water from a distance.

Check me out!

"Ooohh!  I like these sparkly shoes!"

Mason's new favorite seat in the house.

"I'll get it for you Mom!"

"I crack myself up!"

"I will have some milk please.  It does a body good!"