Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Mason Laughing

Since Monday afternoon, Mason has been really sick:(  He has had a temperature of over 103 degrees numerous times this week.  The doctor said he had caught a virus.  His throat is very irritated and he has a stuffy nose.  Mason has been very mushy and whiny.  All he wants to do is sleep on Marc or I and snuggle.  I don't think there is anything worse than having a sick child.  I wish I could take it all away from him!  And to top it off, I think I see his top right tooth starting to poke through.  We did find out though that Mason now weighs in at 20 pounds and 15 ounces!  Even though he is sick, my little munchkin can still throw back those bottles:)  He refuses solid food and actually spits it out at me, but he is taking down his bottles like a champ.  Even though he has not been feeling well, he still lights up around his daddy and we get to enjoy the beautiful sounds of his laughter:)
Feel better love bug!

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