Monday, January 9, 2012

Mason's 4 Month Doctor Visit

Mason went to the doctor today and had an excellent exam.  Mason now weighs 16 pounds 13 ounces and he is 25 inches long!  He is my BIG boy:)  I asked Dr. Curly a million questions and he was so patient with me answering everything I asked.  Dr. Curly suggested giving Mason rice cereal in the evenings and in the mornings.  We are hoping it helps him to sleep throughout the night.  He also said that Mason's gums are swollen, but can't tell if the top teeth are coming in yet.  We will just have to wait and see.  The doctor also explained that one reason Mason may not be rolling over yet is because he is a big guy and has a lot of weight to pull over.  LOL!  My little chunker!  Mason also needs to be on his tummy more often as well and that should help him to get all the way over.  Even if he hates it, we still have to try.  Within the last 2 days, Mason has now found a new love for his own feet.  He is constantly grabbing at them and tries to put them in his mouth.  It is the cutest thing to watch.  My little munchkin just wants to put everything in his mouth these days!  He was so much braver when it came to the shots today too.  He took them like a champ and barely cried for a second:)  My baby keeps growing up way too fast for his mommy!
My Gorgeous Babies

Waiting so patiently at the doctor's office

I did my tummy time and now I am over it!

I love grabbing my sister Penny!

Sleeping so soundly (during the day!)

So happy in my bouncy chair!

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