Sunday, April 9, 2017


Mason has always been an amazing kid.  He is extremely thoughtful, caring, sensitive to other people, a great big brother, honest (sometimes too honest), and overall a fantastic little man.  I can't believe how much he has matured throughout this year in kindergarten.  He had a rough start adjusting with the transition to elementary school, but has quickly turned things around.  His report cards consist of all Es for Excellent and he even got chosen for a special Attitude is Everything Award.  He was called up to the stage in front of the school to accept this award.  Mason is reading above grade level and loves to read books to his brothers.  Math is his favorite subject and he is killing it with addition, subtraction, and money.  Marc and I are so proud of this little guy!

September 2016

March 2017

Six children from Mason's class were chosen for this award.  He was so excited when he saw us (my mom, Momma, Poppa, the twins and I) there to celebrate this honor with him during school.  Since it was a half day, we took him out of school a little early and celebrated at Dunkin Donuts.

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