Sunday, April 23, 2017

Easter 2017

Easter weekend was very busy, but lots of fun!  It was filled with celebrating Aunt Therese's birthday, decorating eggs, lots of Easter egg hunts (more than 4), family time, and of course delicious food. Here are some pictures documenting our weekend:

Decorating Easter eggs with these guys was a bit of a challenge, but we got through it.  Their favorite part is putting stickers on the eggs.  (Check out Penny photobombing in the background)

Monster eggs!

This was after the first egg hunt at our house.  The Easter bunny even left a trail of chocolate eggs in the backyard.

My Pinterest creation.

Cousin Love!

Noah and Bash are best friends forever.

We love you Poppa!

I love when the boys get together.  This picture was taken right before the next egg hunt.  We definitely had to bribe them in order to get this one.

My boys are growing up so fast.  They are really well behaved, good boys.  We are blessed!

After Monica's house, we drove out to Aunt  Michelle's house to celebrate with the Boileau family.

Mr. Big is our favorite!

Dani has the coolest pets.  Every time we go to Dani and Jon's house, the boys get to touch and play with all of the reptiles.

This little guy is obsessed with all things Mickey.  Good thing Aunt Michelle loves Mickey too.

Happy Birthday Aunt Therese!  We love you!

My cousin Nicole sent me this picture.  It cracks me up.  Twins do everything together, even sneeze at the same time.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Newest Members of the Boileau Family

We were recently gifted a 10 gallon fish tank with some accessories.  I was extremely hesitant, but that changed when I saw the faces of my boys.  They were so excited to get some fish.  After some research and two trips to Petco, we adopted 6 fish.  Unfortunately, 4 of those 6 did not make it through the weekend.  Clearly I suck at taking care of fish!  Marc went back to Petco for a third time and spoke with an expert.  They tested our water and explained that our water levels were fine, but we needed to stick with guppies and mollies for our first time.  I am happy to report that Anna, Elsa, Mickey, and Minnie are doing great!  I swear they recognize me and swim to the top when I walk by because they want to be fed.  We even got a snail, Kylo Ren, to add to the tank.   Every morning the boys run over to the aquarium to check on our pets.  It is the cutest thing.  Let's just hope we can keep these fish alive!

Meet Anna and Elsa.  These are the fish that Noah picked out and I can't believe how they have his personality.  They are the bullies of the tank.  LOL!


Mason has been asking to play soccer for awhile, so I was super excited  when I heard about an indoor soccer league during a playdate with Mason's friends from school.  This league is awesome! It is not very competitive, but he is learning proper techniques and really understanding the game. Mason even scored a goal during practice.  Noah and Dylan are Mason's biggest cheerleaders!

Mason and his buddy, Jacob

Ready for the game

Sunday, April 9, 2017


Mason has always been an amazing kid.  He is extremely thoughtful, caring, sensitive to other people, a great big brother, honest (sometimes too honest), and overall a fantastic little man.  I can't believe how much he has matured throughout this year in kindergarten.  He had a rough start adjusting with the transition to elementary school, but has quickly turned things around.  His report cards consist of all Es for Excellent and he even got chosen for a special Attitude is Everything Award.  He was called up to the stage in front of the school to accept this award.  Mason is reading above grade level and loves to read books to his brothers.  Math is his favorite subject and he is killing it with addition, subtraction, and money.  Marc and I are so proud of this little guy!

September 2016

March 2017

Six children from Mason's class were chosen for this award.  He was so excited when he saw us (my mom, Momma, Poppa, the twins and I) there to celebrate this honor with him during school.  Since it was a half day, we took him out of school a little early and celebrated at Dunkin Donuts.