Sunday, January 10, 2016

Jam-Packed Weekend

We have had an obnoxious amount of rain here in Arizona over the last week.  I am spoiled with blue skies and lots of sunshine on a regular basis, so a week of rain does not make me happy.  I was super excited when the sun made its presence this weekend, so we decided to spend as much time outside as we can.  Jen and I went on a 6 mile run (we walked the last 2 miles) through the beautiful Sonoran Desert Trail, went to the Scottsdale Train Park, and finished off the weekend at the Phoenix Zoo. Marc got us a membership at the zoo, so we will be visiting that place quite a bit this year.  We had a fantastic, jam-packed weekend!

Ha ha!  This picture of Noah cracks me up!

Dylan was really excited about the birds flying around.

Mason and I rode this mini train.  

These boys have my heart!

I caught these two snuggling from a distance:)

Pictures from us at the zoo will follow in another post.

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