Tuesday, December 29, 2015

My Favorite Holiday Tradition

One of my most favorite Christmas memories was making cookies with Momma.  I love that my boys get to continue this tradition.  Mason really got into it this year.  He mixed the ingredients, kneaded the dough, and decorated the cookies.  He worked the whole time until all of the dough was gone.  Noah and Dylan lost interest pretty quickly, until it was time to taste our creations.  I look forward to many more years of making Christmas cookies with Momma!

Dylan was upset that we didn't let him eat the raw eggs.  Yuck!

We were very happy that Me-ma (Monica) joined us.

He took his job as head baker very seriously.

Waiting so patiently for the cookies to be ready.

Mason loves Momma and Poppa's lemon tree.

No more high chairs for these boys:(  

This picture makes my heart so happy!

Sebastian and Nicole came over for a bit to hang out.

I love that sweet smile!

We ended the day with swing music and dancing in the living room.  This is another favorite memory of mine.  Momma and Poppa are quite the dancers and the boys love to join them!

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