Sunday, September 13, 2015

Our Last Weekend at the Rental

8 weeks ago our house flooded and our insurance company put us up in a rental home not far from our house.  Even though our kitchen is still not yet finished, it was time for us to move back home.  These pictures were taken the last weekend we spent at the rental house.  We are very fortunate that the kids can adjust easily to any environment.  

Auntie Jaime and the twinkies!

We were very happy that we found this house because otherwise we would have been in a hotel room for 8 weeks!

Gorgeous ladies!

Jackson slept over and we had such a fun slumber party!  Oddly enough, taking care of four kids was so much easier than the 3.  Jackson and Mason were occupied with each other while Noah and Dylan played together.  Marc is still not convinced on having another baby.

Riding the train at the mall

It was 109 degrees on the evening of Steven's first football game.  We kept the kids cool with lots of water in their mouths and on their heads.

All my kids are obsessed with Poppa!  I don't blame them!

Steven played almost the entire game and they won!

*We have been super busy,  so I am finally getting caught up on my blog.  We have been back in our house for 2 weeks now, and still without a kitchen.  Hopefully they will have this done by the end of next week.

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