Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Mason's "Party"

This was the first year Mason did not get a birthday party. Call us crazy, but we decided it would be more fun celebrating his birthday in Disneyland!  Since my mom and Mason have the same birthday, we thought it would be fun to bring the whole family along.  It is perfect because Disneyland is celebrating 60 years and so is my beautiful mommy! In October, the five of us along with Jaime, Austin, Steven, my mom, and Therese will be heading to Disneyland for 5 fun-filled park days.

Since we just moved back into the house and we have no kitchen, Momma made baked ziti and brought it over.  Everyone came to our house and we celebrated all the September birthdays.

Mason was very excited about his presents.

He loves all things Star Wars.

Noah sitting patiently watching Mason open his presents.

Dylan wanted to help Mason by opening them for him.

Sebastian and Dylan are best friends!

Dylan loves his stuffed animals.

Boys will be boys!  (I say that 100 hundred times a day!)

So many birthday cakes for so many birthdays.

The September Birthday Crew

Mmmmm!  This guy loves all desserts, just like his mommy!

My gorgeous 4 year old!

Happy Birthday Tricia, Mommy, Scott, Marc, and Mason!  Love you all!!!

Labor Day (a little late)

Since Labor Day was Mason's birthday this year, we spent the Sunday before celebrating with the Boileau family.  We all hung out at Pee Paw's house eating delicious food and celebrating Marc and Mason's birthdays.  We always have a fun time when we are together.

My little couch potatoes!

I love that Pee Paw gets down on the floor with my boys!  They love their Grandpa Boileau very much.

Give my kids a balloon, and they will be entertained for hours.  They find excitement in the littlest things.  I love it!

Loving on Aunt T

Happy Birthday Marc!  We are blessed to have you.  You are an amazing father to our boys and I couldn't have chosen a better partner!  XOXO

Noah and Dylan LOVE singing Happy Birthday.  It is definitely one of their favorite songs.

Dylan is ready for some ice cream.

Happy 4th Birthday my sweet boy!

May all your dreams and wishes come true!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Our Last Weekend at the Rental

8 weeks ago our house flooded and our insurance company put us up in a rental home not far from our house.  Even though our kitchen is still not yet finished, it was time for us to move back home.  These pictures were taken the last weekend we spent at the rental house.  We are very fortunate that the kids can adjust easily to any environment.  

Auntie Jaime and the twinkies!

We were very happy that we found this house because otherwise we would have been in a hotel room for 8 weeks!

Gorgeous ladies!

Jackson slept over and we had such a fun slumber party!  Oddly enough, taking care of four kids was so much easier than the 3.  Jackson and Mason were occupied with each other while Noah and Dylan played together.  Marc is still not convinced on having another baby.

Riding the train at the mall

It was 109 degrees on the evening of Steven's first football game.  We kept the kids cool with lots of water in their mouths and on their heads.

All my kids are obsessed with Poppa!  I don't blame them!

Steven played almost the entire game and they won!

*We have been super busy,  so I am finally getting caught up on my blog.  We have been back in our house for 2 weeks now, and still without a kitchen.  Hopefully they will have this done by the end of next week.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

4 Year Old Genius

I may be biased, but I am convinced Mason is the smartest four year old in the world.  I am sure all moms feel this way about their children, and I am no exception.  There are times though when my four year old acts like a teenager and then he can also act like a baby.  You never know what Mason you are going to get.  Today at his well-check exam with Dr. Curly, we got Mason the baby. He screamed, cried, and made the biggest scene just to check his weight and height.  Little did he know the worst was yet to come.  After numerous threats and many apologies to the nurse, we found out that Mason weighs 36.6 pounds and is 41 inches tall.  (This is the perfect height for most of the rides at Disney!)  Checking his vision was a challenge as well, but at least he calmed down a bit at this point.  He was able to read most of the letters on the chart.  His vision is 20/30 which Dr. Curly says is excellent for a boy his age.  I hope it stays that way because Marc and I do not have great vision.  My little man is growing and in perfect health!

Since starting pre-k 3 weeks ago, Mason has matured and learned more than I could ever imagine in such a short time.  Here are some of the things Mason has learned and is doing:

  • Mason can write his name.  We worked on this all summer.  Our goal was to have him writing his name before he turned 4, and that was definitely achieved.  
  • Mason recites the pledge of allegiance when he sees an American flag.  I was floored when he started doing this two weeks ago!
  • Mason is very aware of the state and city in which we live.  He has known the number of our house and the street we live on for over a year, but now he understands about other locations as well.  "Australia has kangaroos and koalas.  The one on the bottom is Antarctica with penguins. We live in Phoenix, Arizona."  This was our conversation after school the other day!
  • He knows and understands the days of the week and recites them in order.  "Tomorrow is Friday which is my home day with Grandma.  Then it is the weekend and we are all home together."  Genius!
  • Mason no longer wants to take a bath.  He is taking showers and pretty much does everything himself.  "Close the door mommy, I can do this by myself."  This makes me sad because he is growing more and more independent.
Mason is an amazing son, a caring older brother, and an all around great kid!  We are blessed!

I am so proud of this little man!

This was the calm before the storm.  Bribing him with Flipz worked for a bit, until the nurse came back with the shots:(

Monday, September 7, 2015

Happy 4th Birthday Mason

Happy birthday to the sweetest, most loving, adorable kid! Thank you for choosing me to be your mommy. I love you to the moon and back! I look forward to celebrating you every day. Thank you for changing me and bringing purpose to my life!

The September birthday crew (minus Jackson)