Friday, August 7, 2015

Happy Birthday Poppa!

Happy 84th birthday Poppa! Thank you for being there for all of us! You are an amazing man and I aspire to have your patience, generosity, and kindness. We wish you many more years filled with happiness and joy!

84 years old and he is still handsome as ever!  We had dinner at the Talking Stick and all of us consumed way too many crab legs, but it was delicious!

These two wanted nothing to do with dinner.  They wanted to run around and play the whole time. Good thing there was an empty outside patio for them to do just that and not bother anyone!

All my boys are obsessed with their Poppa!

These boys are equally obsessed with Momma! She loves to spoil my babes!

Thanks goodness for my amazing mommy and Aunt Monica.  We would not survive many outings without them!

My son is already corrupted by technology.  He already acts like Steven, who is a teenager!!!

Happy Birthday Poppa!

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